Monday, September 22, 2008

El Cambio Grande

Well here´s a thought: time flies.  I know you´ve heard it before, but it bears repeating once more.  

The last time I wrote, I was probably grading papers, coaching cross country, and yelling at 7th graders (I hope all is well, Mr. Miller).  It would have been cold: February in Connecticut is not an easy month.  I would have been thinking of the promise of another Orioles season -- that this is would be the one -- and cheering for Hillary Clinton, who still seemed to be the sure fire Democratic nominee (Barack who?).  Finally, I would have been thinking about people and situations that, for better or for worse, have long left my daily thoughts.

As I write now, I´m currently on Calle Prim in Madrid, Spain, in the headquarters of Middlebury´s Spanish program.  For the greater part of the past four months, I have sworn to speak only Spanish, and I have done so.  This post, the final in my mother tongue (at least for some time) is to tell you that, in order to read my insights from here on, you will have to follow me in my quest to master the Spanish language.  And I´m asking you to do so, more for your sake than for mine, because in your learning of another language, you will be able to read Borges and Cortezar and Cervantes but more importantly me.  And this, I tell you, is worth every cent you pay to Rossetta Stone (or, if you´re interested, I can provide you material).  So let´s just get this straight: I´m not asking you to walk 1,000 miles.  I´m asking yo to straighten up, fly right, and pick up that 9th grade introductory to Spanish book that has been gathering dust under your couch and to learn some Spanish.

What can you expect from  En la arena con Eli Berman?  Well, the same that we can expect from a Sarah Palin/John McCain presidency -- or change that, McCain/Palin: more of the same.  I will continue to deliver you wonderful, insightful observations as I have ¨consistently¨done.  I will, of course, comment on the upcoming elections.  I will also try to explain a grammatical concept or word of the day that has captured my attention (this is as much for graduate students as for a 72 7th-10th graders in Fairfield, CT).  And I will fill you in as I continue to understand my first language, the language of love.  So, my friends, this edition of In the Arena With Eli Berman will now sign off and a newer, better, and far more exciting edition will herefore commence.  Entonces, mis amigos, disfruten esta nueva avenutra.  Abróchense, tengan cuidado, buena suerte y buenas noches.


NirvanaCobain92 said...

Hello Senor Berman. I'm already one step ahead of you. I am taking Espanol Dos this year at school. speaking of i got to go.

~Ryan Langeway

Unknown said...

Of course you realize that now the translated title of your blog will no longer mean "In the arena with Eli Berman" but instead "In the sand with Eli Berman"

NaProus said...

Oh, c'mon, Eli, couldntcha write in Catalan or something? I hate having to read Spanish!

Hope all is well! We're beginning Week 3, and I've discovered that whereas my old advisees were the president of the SGA and the co-chair of Community Council, my latest advisee is the new sex columnist of the Campus. Oh how have the mighty fallen!

JB said...


unbemerkbar said...

Querido rey de las gilipollezas,

Siempre miraba tu antiguo blog y nunca escribiste nada tú pelirojo mentiroso. y ni intentas hablarme hasta que hayas conseguido la ciudadania española porque cierto es que quiero que mis niños sean bilingüe.

un besote,
tu querida amiga favorita la reina de salsa neoyorquina